you better not pout, i´m tellin´ you why
Damn! These shoes are.. WOW!
The sucky thing about them is the fact that when wearing them, the awesome shimmering part won´t show.. Molle had a good idea; I´ll just wear them as earrings. Well, if you´re looking for a stretch. Hehe.
you better watch out, you better not cry
Hello! Got home a few hours ago, we skipped the Christmas market because of the snow, we wouldn´t have made it out of town if we´d have gone. Some other day.
Went home and made gingerbread cookies and a gingerbread house and put frosting on them.
I didn´t get a single picture today.. No, wait. I actually got one. But it sucks. I was trying to shoot the snow from the car, but another car drove past right when it pulled off so.. It looks kind of cool though.
It´s really a winter wonderland where I live now. Now that it´s not snowing like crazy, well, it is snowing a lot, but it´s not a storm. It looks like the perfect winter, like the one you connect to Mickey Mouse.
Now I´m gonna make Christmas cards and then draw Peter Pan.. (yes, I love Disney) See ya tonight!
Another unmotivated picture that I just happen find beautiful
the world´s a better place when it´s upside down
We have a meter snow here now. And it´s still snowing like hell.
oy, fishface! lost something?
Hello schmucks!
Just got home from Bee, it was awesome. Hehe. Though unfortunately, both Maria and Charlie are ill, and Friday is somewhere in the south so they couldn´t make it. It was only me, Molle, Bee and Jennifer.
First we opened our presents. I got an awesome pair of socks from Molle, with Michael on them! I hearts them. Got two awesome nailpolishes and an awesome lipbalm from Jennifer, and a book from Bee. Not just any book, Miss Marple it was, I love Miss Marple! And it was in English as well, which was really good ´cause seeing me reading a book in Swedish is extremely rare, and Bee knows that of course.
My awesome Michael socks
A very flattering photo of me, indeed. Don´t ask me why I look so smug.
tis the season to be jolly, falalalala, lalala.
I ♥ snow :D
Helt underbart, kom precis hem från backen.. Görnajs var det.
Bara så att ni vet, jag är inte från Göteborg. Jag är född och uppvuxen i Stockholm. Men jag säger gött, gör och någonting mer som jag inte minns vad det är för något hela tiden. Don´t ask why. Hehe.
Jag började följa lite bloggar igår på bloglovin.. Jag är besatt! Shit, helt galet. Går in och kollar där hela tiden.
Nu har jag en galen hund här i huset och den, hrrm, gillar mig, kanske lite för mycket. Ska baka peppisar med los kusinos.. Så, vi ses ikväll, kanske! Eller, jo, det gör vi. Idag blir det flitigt användande med kameran (mobilen) i alla fall, så.. Yes!
deck the halls with boughs of holly, falalalala, lalalala
Hinner inte blogga nu, tänkte bara slänga iväg en liiiiten update! Ska ut i backen med småkusinerna och mula syrran, sedan baka pepparkakor och bygga pepparkakshus. Ikväll blir det julklappsutdelning med los polers.
Ha en fin dag!
Ser ni vem som är tomte? ;)
rudolph the rednosed reindeer
Hallåj, kära schmucks!
Som vanligt höll jag inte mitt löfte, och tog absolut noll bilder idag. Vetefan vad jag skulle ha fotat iochförsig, min syrra och hennes fula kompisar känns inte som ett lockande motiv..
Kirrade i alla fall alla julklappar nu, äntligen! Så sinnesjukt galet skönt att ha det gjort. Sitter här nu och ritar en bild på Michael.. Går inte så bra. Han är så sjukt svår att rita! Har sett en lyckad ritning av honom, och jag har ändå stött på jäkligt många. För att lyckas måste man typ vara DaVinci´s reinkarnation. Känns inte så va.
Hare jäkligt gött nu mina schmuckheads så hörs vi imorgon♥
Nu blev ju den här bilden jäkligt liten, men här är alltså spexfotot min klass tog när vi slutade nian. Temat var beachbabes - så självklart tänkte jag och Molle att vi skulle köra på isfiske i värsta Nordpols-munderingarna. Kan ni se oss? Brevid Maria med simringen. Molle med vita jackan. Jag med ett rött hår i bandet. (Haha, jag menar självfallet rött band i håret.) Detta var alltså augusti 2008, inte julafton 2008.
santa claus is coming to town
I´m feeling Christmas! It has come, finally :D
When buying X-mas presents and X-mas decorations, I really felt the mood coming over me like a bigass wave.
Things that put me in a X-mas mood:
A Christmas Carol (Charles Dickens, Disney´s and Scrooge McDuck's)
Disney in general
Michael Jackson
Jackson 5 Christmas Album
Red Hot Chili Peppers´ version of "Deck the halls" - hilarious!
Christmas shopping
Christmas preperations
Ginger bread cookie & Luciabun baking
Woollen socks
Jingle bells
Snow (of course) & all kinds of snowmen
Christmas carols & songs
Coca Cola
I could make this list eternal so I´m just gonna stop right there.. Pretty much everything you could possibly connect to X-mas.
What certain things put you guys in a X-mas mood?
(Jermaine Jackson´s voice is just wonderful in The Christmas Song)
Did you guys know that it was a Swedish/American artist named Haddon Sundblom made the very famous Coca Cola ads with Santa in them? He also brought the red and white Santa from Sweden - in the rest of the world, Santa was green.
walking in memphis
Goodmorning, schmuckheads! Decided to stay home from school today, didn´t feel so good this morning.. Although, I really don´t want to. One of my favorite classes starts in ten minutes. Mediakunskap. It´ll have me suicidal if it turns out to be a fifty pointer.. I don´t think it is, but what if I´m wrong?
Later today (well, in an hour actually.. better get going) I´ll be going to Forum with Molle anyways.. Really don´t want to sit inside all day long, I hate that. That´s partly why I want to go to school everyday, because I wanna stay occupied. Plus, unless I stay up ´til about three at night, I won´t be able to fall asleep. It sucks.
You guys have any plans for tonight? Know I already asked you, but I never seem to get any feedback on the actual things I ask. So, I thought, if I spam you with the same question, you might surrender? We´ll see.
Think we deserve a Michael pic here :D
By the way, I promise I´ll take pictures today! To brighten up the blog a little.
(: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (:
they make their desicions by the records that they play
Hello my little schmucks! I´m gonna go to bed now but I thought I´d write you a boring little post before..
I just saw on the tv that it´s Musikhelg on channel 2 all weekend, and guess who´s gonna be there.. MICHAEL! Wiii :D
Tomorrow I think I quit school quite early.. Going to Forum with Molle to get some Christmaspresents. What are you guys gonna do tomorrow night? I´ll just be home, dance and sing and just whatever I feel like.
This morning something really freaky happened. I turned on my stereo, there was a light flickering a lot behind me, must´ve been my nightlight.. And the stereo turned itself off the same second the light stopped.
Look what I found when I searched on "Mickey Mouse eighties"
I love that sweater
And I love Michael in it :D
music is a power people depend on everyday
Tar detta på svenska, känner för det.
Helt jäkla otrolig dag! Hela Stockholm stod still, nu är det kaos och trafikolyckor till höger och vänster.
Vid tolv fick jag veta att alla bussar var inställda. Jaha, hur kommer man hem då? Får hoppas på att de börjar gå igen om någon timma.
Nu är klockan fyra, och nu är det inte bara bussarna! Nej, nu är Bromma flygplats och alla taxisar inställda också! Tjoho. Panik börjar komma krypande i MediaGymnasiet.
Nu går det ett fåtal bussar. Värmdö, där jag bor, var mest problem med, såklart. Men mamma kom och hämtade mig.
Överallt ligger det bussar och bilar i dikena. Det är med risk för sitt liv som man ger sig ut på Stockholms gator ikväll.
Galen dag. Men sjukt rolig, faktiskt. Måhända att det bara är jag och Johanna som tycker det, men det är jäkligt kul att bli insnöad i skolan. Då har man något att prata om, hehe. Kanske inte kul om det händer varje dag, att sitta i skolan varje dag till halv sex känns inte så lockande..
Typiskt mig att inte ta några bilder. När man äntligen är i crazy winter wonderland så klart att man ska glömma.
Såhär ser det ut i Stockholm, om man bortser från att man inte kan se sin nästipp p.g.a. snöstormen, alla trafikolyckor överallt osv. osv. Sedan så är det ju lite mindre bergigt och skogigt, kanske..
just turn up your music, and you don´t need nobody home.
Haha, I´m in school and there are no buses! Haha, I´m really likingggg it. All buses are cancelled due to snowstorm. How do get home, I wonder? This is so much fun.
Another thing that´s just freakin´ awesome is that I quit like fifteen minutes ago - and I gotta wait here in school ´til 15.30 to do that damn math test. That I haven´t studied for. Wey. I´m so much living life on a line.
I´m gonna try to smear up a new header - the current one is really the ugliest shit I´ve ever seen. I just don´t know what pictures to use..
make you wanna, make you wanna, make you wanna ooohh..
Your comments really make me go happy-go-lucky, thanx a lot :)
Time for bedtime.. Well it was 38 minutes ago really. I gotta go to bed very early nowadays because I can´t fall asleep unless I´ve been trying to for two hours. Really stupid, I know, blame my brain for working past time every. single. night.
What Elin (MJalive and here) commented about something La Toya Jackson said in her recent interview, "He really likes what you are doing, we're all watching you" made me very happy. Both the fact that she said it in presence, which is a clue, and that she said the Jackson family is watching us fans and all the things we do for him and them. Makes me warm inside, even though I already knew that. They´re all so full of love, the Jacksons.
I´ll see ya schmucks tomorrow around eleven. Cancelled Englishclass, but me and Yuhäny are staying in school to work on our piles of homework.. plus I have mathtest at 15.30. Yey. That means I´ll be in school doing homework for four and a half hour. Just to do a stupid test. Looking forward.
Hmm.. trying to find a picture that does not have with Michael or celebrities to do. For a change, you know. Don´t want this to turn into a Michael fan blog. Would love to run one, but this one´s not it.
I found pics. But the damn uploadingshitfucker doesn´t wanna collaborate, as usually. So.. live with it. K? :)
light up the world
I can´t talk! I´ve been singing all day/night since I got home from Skansen, and now I lost it, hehehehehe. YES! I think losing your voice is fun. And then when it´s coming back, it´s hoarse and scratchy, and I love that. What are you schmucks up to tonight? I´ll try to sing even more so it´ll stay away, hehe. I´ll keep trying to reach Michael´s tones in "I´ll be there", "Say say say" and "Who´s loving you" (which of course is impossible unless you´re a little kid with a big fro and your name is Michael Jackson), which are the three songs I´ve been singing over and over and over again.
This is Michael on LSD
I am SO jealous of this microphone..
can you feel it, can you feel it, CAN YOU FEEL IT
Times are good, times like these when you have absolutely no responsibilities or chores or other stupid inventions, and one is free to SING and LISTEN and LOOK and LEARN and DANCE 'til one gets enough :D
Two seconds after I wrote that I remembered I got a mathtest tomorrow.
Two seconds after I wrote that I figured I´ll have hours to study tomorrow, wii :D
Times are good again!
Question: Do you guys think it´s annoying to read because it´s in English? Now I know I won´t be getting any feedback whatsoever on this, but one could always hold one´s thumbs.
Let´s cheer the ones who are without snow this year up with a pretty pic :D
music is a comfort, well, when you´re all alone
Hello schmucks! Had a good day? Azum! School today was extrrrremely unneccessary! But fun! I think I´m alone of thinking so though. We went to Skansen, listened to an old man talking about school a hundred years ago for about fifteen minutes, then we went home. Me and Johanna went to this really awesome candyshop though and bought some sweeeetttt stuffff, which was really stupid of me because now I won´t be able to sleep tonight either, which results in getting late for class tomorrow, which is only embarrassing with this teacher..
I saw this really sweet girl in school today. I am soooo jealous of her! She looks exactly like Janet Jackson as a teenager!
Today I drank milk that tasted like ass. I kept drinking it.
Today a woman told me how to use google. I was like..
//The asslicker
a willow deeply scarred, somebody´s broken heart
It´s good to get up early ´cause it´s real damn good to take it easy in the morning. I love it. And I could even go back to sleep for fifteen minutes before. I feel that today´s gonna be a good day. At least at school. We´re going to Skansen, which will probably not be the funniest of trips, since we´re not gonna be looking at the animals, but you know.. Got paperround after though. Not looking forward.
Have a good day. I won´t be updating until I get home from Skansen, so here you have a beautiful picture of Mike to go with :)
Now I got a bus to catch!
earth song
Yes! Mission accomplished! I sent a really sweet video of Michael to my friend Molle - and she said "hahaha, gud vad söt han är". Do you guys know just how happy I was to hear that? Because it is so true, but none of my friends has realized yet! I´m so glad.
This is the video. He is undescribably sweet in it. I can´t post it because it´s been inactivated on demand, but here´s the link:
This picture is from the video
hurry down the chimney tonight
Ah, man! I wanna go to my beloved California. Really. Now. Want. To. Go. There. I´ve been dreaming of Cali since age of eleven. Now it´s really time to go. When mom considers me old enough, I´ll go with some friends. I want to move there. And still have a house here in Stockholm. And a house near my relatives in Vancouver, Canada. Where do you guys wanna live? USA in my heart forever.
Now I´m gonna watch Ugly Betty when it comes on and DANCE and SING. FINALLY! Been longing aaalll day!
Sweetest pic ever!