walking in memphis
Goodmorning, schmuckheads! Decided to stay home from school today, didn´t feel so good this morning.. Although, I really don´t want to. One of my favorite classes starts in ten minutes. Mediakunskap. It´ll have me suicidal if it turns out to be a fifty pointer.. I don´t think it is, but what if I´m wrong?
Later today (well, in an hour actually.. better get going) I´ll be going to Forum with Molle anyways.. Really don´t want to sit inside all day long, I hate that. That´s partly why I want to go to school everyday, because I wanna stay occupied. Plus, unless I stay up ´til about three at night, I won´t be able to fall asleep. It sucks.
You guys have any plans for tonight? Know I already asked you, but I never seem to get any feedback on the actual things I ask. So, I thought, if I spam you with the same question, you might surrender? We´ll see.
Think we deserve a Michael pic here :D
By the way, I promise I´ll take pictures today! To brighten up the blog a little.
(: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (:
ja La toya är ju bäst när det kommer till slip-ups! Hon är så korkad... :P
Ja det är möjligt... det har jag inte ens tänkt på förut! ;P jag vill veta vart han är! :O Och att han mår bra! :)