In school, as usual. Good day today, only got math and then we´re all going to some kind of exhibition. After that, I´m going to Forum with Molle to look for christmas presents. Hope I´ll find, well, maybe not all, but many. See, on Friday, the "gang", me, Molle, Bee, Friday, Charlie, Maria and Jennifer are supposed to get together and exchange presents. So there´s a bit of a hurry, seeing as I haven´t got any yet.
I found the clock of my dreams yesterday! It was in camouflage, with a little compass beneath the clock itself, and in the clock it said "U.S. Army". Ohhh my God! Seriously. I put it on my wishlist immediately.
What are you guys doing today?

Haha, aww, so sweet climbing a tree


Aaah, life is wonderful, and I'm grateful :D
I went to the city with Bee today (HAHA, like seventh time, seriously!). We went to Beyond Retro, what an amazing store.. Really. I bought a sticky thing, could show you like tomorrow. We also went to this really awesome store called Eden, it's awesome because everything is so cheap! Like a shampoobottle that costs about 40 crowns in regular supermarkets like Coop Forum costs 19 crowns there.
The store is also awesome because they had a whole wall full of really awesome Michael-paintings! They were huuuge, there were small ones and middle ones as well, and they were so cheap. The hugest one costs 49 and it was maybe one meter times one and a half!!!!! I called my mom immediately and tipped her off, just in case ya know, now since christmas times and all, haha.
Now I´m going to go to bed. I´ve been having far too little sleep lately.
Have a nice Monday night


Hi, sweethearts! I´m in school, webclass. Might have discussion on progress today, hope so! I´ve been longing for it, haha. Do you guys like the discussions? I always have, that´s actually, to be honest, something I look forward to. Like the highlight of the schoolyear.
Now I´m gonna get started with class again. This post is completely pointless. Looks good in the record though, hehe.
 Haha, looooove this pic


Aaaahh, it would be goooood to go back to sleep right now. Wouldn´t it? I´m extremely tired. And it´s not even early. And now it´s snowing for real, guys! Woke up with a hell a lot of snow outside my window, and more is on its way down :D
After school today I´m going to the city with Bee. As I already told you about a zillion times. This blog is extraordinarily repetetive. Don´t ya think?
Anyways, I came across some pics of some L.A. Gears yesternight, oh my god, gief me! Seriously. Gief me. Too bad I suppose it´s way too late to put it on my wishlist by now. Although, it is after all my birthday four days after Christmas..
I played Man in the Mirror to my fiveyearold cousin yesterday. He liikkkeeed ittt. Hope I created a little new die hard fan, would be awesome if he´d be doing the leg kick, the spin, the crotchgrab, the "hee hee"..

Now I better get ready for school. I´ll update from there. See ya guys!
(By the way, I got something in my eye. I´ve always got something in my eye. Ask my friend Molle.)

Let´s have a bomb of random pics right herrreeee

Luciabuns, hehe. I´ll never eat them.

I´ve got a tiny tree in my room! Wii

Outside my window. Too bad you can´t see the huuge snowflakes falling. Or the raindeers carrying a wagon covered in glitter bouncing through the sky..


Oohhh, I´m high on Michael right now. Well, haha, I haven´t been watching videos or anything at all actually tonight. First time since I can´t remember. I haven´t listened to his music since like an hour ago! And now I got just really.. happy. Or something. From just thinking of how wonderful Michael sounds in a song called Music's takin' over by The Jacksons. It´s soooo wonderful. He´s always sounding absolutely wonderful all the time. I just realized yesternight while sitting in the car on our way home from our cousins´, and I was listening to the song over and over and over and over again. It was sooo amazing. It was like I didn´t really realize just how wonderful his voice is until last night. Everyone should hear it. And listen closely! The song itself is absolutely perfect by the way. The only word I can find to describe it well enough would be klockren.

Haha, and guess what I did today? I was putting on lotion on my foot, and then I put it down on the bathroom floor. And I slipped of course. Haha. Must´ve looked sooo stupid. Right on my ass. There´s a huuuge bluemark on my left buttside.


Mm, chocolateballs :)..
I never learn, do I? The minute during which I don´t want chocolateballs does not exist - except the hours after I had ´em. After like two balls, I´m done. I´m ready to puke at them. And I think "never again". And yet I do it over and over again.
Went to my cousins´, we made Luciabuns and had dinner.
Right now I´m drawing on my Alice in Wonderland-drawing. I've made Alice standing with her back towards us, facing a window where her reflection is seen. You only see the outlines of the reflection, it´s sort of filled with something that´s supposed to look like a piece of galaxy - but we´ll see about that part.
I´ve also made the Queen of Hearts. I drew her as she is in Tim Burton´s movie. Helena Bonham Carter is so awesome. They made her perfectly. Only in my drawing, I failed a little with the big head-part. I only drew her bust, and the head is not well-porportioned to the bust, but it´s still not big enough for one to notice. Ah well. I want to draw the Cheshire-cat and the Mad Hatter as well, but I don´t think there´s space.
I wrote the words "Through the looking glass" in ornated letters across the drawing.

So. Effing. Awesome.
Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter in Tim Burton´s Alice In Wonderland/Through the looking glass


Just woke up like an hour ago and had breakfast. Watched State of Play yesternight, it was pretty awesome. Rachel McAdams seems to stalk me nowadays - I definitely intend to see Sherlock Holmes. Anyone who knows when it shows?
Ah, by the way.. I went to see A christmas carol last-last night with mom, Johnny and Helene.. It was so effing awesome. Well, at the moment, we intended to see something sweet, cute and funny. Let's just say that's all it wasn´t. Well, it was funny. But it scared the hell out of me! Yeah, I might be incredibly sensitive to scary movies - I watched Scary Movie 4 five years ago and I still tremble while brushing teeth - but it was seriously that kind of movie that would actually make you piss your pants. For real. There were make-you-jump-ten-feet-up-in-the-air-scenes to the left and right constantly. The fact that I saw it in 3D didn´t make the situation any better.

Seeing as I am a Donald Duck-freak, I look at Ebenezer Scrooge as Scrooge McDuck. Ebenezer Scrooge is Scrooge McDuck dipped in a duckshaped form. I have read the story of Ebenezer Scrooge before - but not Charles Dickens´ version. It´s been told in a Donald Duck paperback. So I knew that it wouldn´t be pleasant - but I would´ve never guessed just how unpleasant it really was.
Go see it!

Ebenezer Scrooge

Scrooge McDuck



Yesterday was a very good day. Something very positive happened that I´m glad it did. Not going to tell you because it´s embarrassing, but very sweet. :)

Did you guys figure something yet? IT´S ONLY TWELVE DAYS LEFT! Half the calender is cut, we're halfways! I´m hoping for a Super Soaker or an elephant. Time´s going real fast when you don´t think about it. Well. In one way it´s less positive. I haven´t bought a single present yet! And I´ve got less than two weeks. Gotta get staaarted! I´m going to the city with Bee on Monday, as I already told you like twice, then I´ll probably be able to cut off one or two.

Today I´m going to my cousins' place to bake a lil' zum of thaaat and a lil' zum of thaaat.. Gingerbread biscuits and Lucia buns. And celebrate grandma's birthday. Oh. It´s Lucia tomorrow. No sleepy morning then. Well, I think it´s better to get up early, but to not do anything. Not get ready to get out or anything.
You guys have a fine day


I must be the most social person on planet earth. I just spent my whole night watching Michael-videos on youtube. But I looooved it, so whatever :)  By the way, Janet is such a sweetheart. I heard she´s going on a Europe-tour next year. Hope she´ll come to Sweden. I´ll probably go :)
On Monday I´m going shopping with Bee. Looking forward. Really. That sounds so ironic, but I´m not, haha.
Did you guys have a nice Friday-night?
By the way, it´s my grandma´s birthday today (Saturday).
Grattis på 66-årsdagen, mormor, och vila i frid♥
(I´ll never get used to that)

By the way #2.. You guys know what I did a couple of nights ago while sleeping? I woke up in the middle of the night. And what woke me up? Well.. I did. I was laughing my ass off while sleeping! Haha. And then I started laughing so hard at the fact that I was laughing in my sleep. Then I started laughing at how goofy I was laughing. Shit.


We watched Goebbels dagbok in Mediakunskapen today. It was very interesting. I´m very fascinated with the two world wars. Joseph Goebbels was Adolf Hitler´s minister of propaganda. Without Goebbels, Hitler would´ve never succeeded. He would´ve remained that ugly nuthead everyone thought he was in the first place.
As we all know, it was the propaganda that the whole second world war basically was built upon. Goebbels didn´t invent propaganda. But he took it to another level. If there had been another man like Goebbels, we wouldn´t exist. That´s how important he was to Hitler.
In Goebbels dagbok, they´ve put together clips that were filmed of Goebbels and Hitler. Goebbels also kept diary, which is read during the whole movie, connected to the clips. You should see it. It´s disgusting but brilliant. (I love that sentence, it´s disgusting but brilliant. Michael says it in The Making Of Thriller when he´s checking out all the different masks the makeup-artist had made. I love the way he says it in. Maybe brilliant is the wrong word I´m looking for in this case though. Fascinating would be more like it. Disgusting but fascinating.)

// Rebbie

Joseph Goebbels


I´ve decided not to write about my grandmother´s death here. It´s good to keep something as it was, when everything else around you is changing.
I miss her so incredibly much though. I haven't understood it yet. The fact that I´ll never see her again, never hear her voice again, it´s just.. Unreal. That´s what it is. It doesn´t exist in my world.
I mean, I haven´t yet understood that Michael is gone. Before grandma, I couldn´t imagine what it would be like when someone you actually know dies. I still don´t know, because I can´t feel it. I´m numb.

I went to school yesterday though. Right after I´d seen her. It was good. It´s better than to stay home all day. It´s so depressing around here. Even though everybody´s laughing, it´s still dark. And I want to dance. Dance, that´s all I want to do right now. But I can´t, because I´d probably feel guilty doing it, and it would feel wrong. We are supposed to be sad when someone dies. Of course I am. But I try not to get wrapped in sorrow. If we do let ourselves get wrapped in sorrow, everything will go to hell.
I won´t goof around and pretend it´s raining. I´ll be thinking of grandma all the time. But the people dying wouldn´t want to leave the world all sad and miserable. What a world that would be. One full of suicides.

Have a nice day, peeps. Don´t worry, be happy♥


My dear, dear, dear, beloved grandmother died tonight. There you have the reason why this blog hasn't been updated. I don't feel like it's the most important in the world right now. I will update though, think it could be good for me.
Have a nice evening <3


This is so sweet and funny. I got it from CLIP, bless her heart, she seems like a really good person. Michael calls a radio station completely randomly, which he's never done before, and talks with the host. Then, at around 3:45, he bursts into laughter. It's so sweet, my mouth hurts from having smiled like the Cheshire-cat for ten minutes.


Warning; completely pointless post following.
Why does the pasta always tend to take twice as much time when I cook it? It´s darn annoying. I´m hungry.
Anyways, I thought of something extremely unneccessary. It´s actually so unneccessary, I´m considering whether or not I really should publish this.
Why do you guys do your homework? Is it because you want good grades? In my case, it´s partly because I want good grades - and partly because I do not want to disappoint my teachers. Even though I know they don´t care. Teachers are some good actors, unconciously - they always, when you haven´t done your homework or you didn´t do well on a test, they always look disappointed. Always. In some cases, they care, for sure. Like my math teacher I had in high school, or the teacher I have in Mediakunskap now. They really care. But other teachers, who don´t care. ´Cause they don´t care whether you do your homework or not - it´s your grades, not theirs. They´re only there to make a living. To try to help others on the way to eventually make their own living. But the rest is up to us, the students. Teachers like my old mathteacher or my Mediakunskapteacher, they make sure we make it through. They put their hearts into it. Be grateful.
They look disappointed to make you feel guilty. And it works everytime on me. Even though I know very well they´re only pretending, it works. And I do my homework perfectly for next time.

Completely pointless post. But see, I did publish it after all.

a stranger could be my friend

Ahhh, I hate my job. I don´t wish I didn´t have it, though! Then I would just get rid of it, wouldn´t I? It gets me money, and I´m glad.
I just finished it. For those of you who don´t know what I do; I deliver the paper. To 269 mailboxes. Once a week. It wouldn´t be such a big thing if I had all week to do it - but I don´t. I only have Monday. (This week I had to do it on Tuesday because I just couldn´t stand the thought of it yesterday.) Supereffingwonderful. It usually takes more than one hour and eleven minutes - which it did today - so I usually spend my whole Monday first in school, then out touching those horrible papers. I am so sick of papers. I´ll throw up if I have to touch another paper. The ink. Oh my god. Horrible thought. I´ll have nightmares tonight.

Anyways. That was not so interesting. (Not many things are going to be in this blog, I´m afraid.) I´ve got lots to do for school tonight, as I already told you, so I´m gonna get started with that. I´m gonna watch a movie for Mediakunskapen, State of Play, do my own TV-programme for Mediakunskapen and draw for artclass. We´ll see how the TV-programme-thing turns out. I´ll do most of it today. Won´t have much time tomorrow, seeing as I´m going to see New Moon with Johnny and Cassie. I got all the time in the world on Thursday though. Studyday. Yippie ki-yay.
You have a nice evening and I´ll make the best out of the situation

it ain't too much to jam

Sitting at Webbclass right now. We're supposed to create a blog, so I thought it would be okay to update mine.
There are probably going to be a lot of pictures of Michael and Diana Ross for a while now. Hope you don't mind. After all, why would you, they're so beautiful ;)

please, mr postman

Going to school now. Put the alarm on 7.15 - woke up at nine. Effing awesome. I need to work on the getting-up thing. 'Cause this ain't holding up.
Now, today I got lots to do. Will probably not be any blogging until tonight. So, I'll see you guys then!
Have a nice day :)

Now I was going to be put the sweetest clip I've ever seen here, but it's been inactivated on request, so I'll just give you the link to it. Watch it! I promise the corners of your mouth will be up in your ears by the end of it :D


you can't take my blues away

I just thought of something. Saying something positive about another person cannot be accepted seriously no more. Well, with some people, of course. But not with most. Maybe I'm just surrounded by idiots, but I don't think I am.
I noticed that I can hardly ever say something positive about a guy without having someone around me saying "aaahh, you're crushing on hiiim!". I can't say something positive about a girl without having someone saying "you're such an asslicker!". Where did nice go?

Favorite track of the day; 
The Jacksons - Keep on dancin'

you're the best thing I never had

I shit on the paper round today, 'cause I seriously don't wanna. Haha. It's okay to do that sometimes. My problem is that I do it every week. I figured I got a hell of a load of stuff t odo for school - for real this time. Well, it's really only three things, but that is three pretty big things.
Standing here cooking, bakin, listening to Diana Ross. Trying to cook while having someone extremely pretty distracting you meanwhile, is not the easiest. When someone looking like the man in the picture is on a three meters distance away - frying egg is an effing art project.
Love don't come easy, it's a game of give and take

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