they make their desicions by the records that they play
Hello my little schmucks! I´m gonna go to bed now but I thought I´d write you a boring little post before..
I just saw on the tv that it´s Musikhelg on channel 2 all weekend, and guess who´s gonna be there.. MICHAEL! Wiii :D
Tomorrow I think I quit school quite early.. Going to Forum with Molle to get some Christmaspresents. What are you guys gonna do tomorrow night? I´ll just be home, dance and sing and just whatever I feel like.
This morning something really freaky happened. I turned on my stereo, there was a light flickering a lot behind me, must´ve been my nightlight.. And the stereo turned itself off the same second the light stopped.
Look what I found when I searched on "Mickey Mouse eighties"
I love that sweater
And I love Michael in it :D