in the happyland

Goodmorning my little schmucks! Good start of the day, sleep-in and then sitting here listening to Duffy, The Supremes and Michael and reading Donald Duck.
I want to watch Hairspray! Hehe. I saw it when it was new in the theatre, and then we bought the movie. And I thought it sucked. I still think it does. Apart from the mood in it, and the clothes. It´s sixties, baby! I love the sixties. Lisa Marie Presley´s clothes in ma hat fo´ evah

No school today.. Well, I´ll be in school, but all we´re gonna do is watch a movie. Neccessary? Not very. After school I´m going to hit the hill with Molle to play in the snow, wiii!

This überserious pic was taken three seconds ago.
Question: do you guys think I look like a black girl who got vitiligo? A guy asked me a couple of days ago if I was black for real and had gotten vitiligo. Maybe hard to tell from this pic. He thought I have the structure of a black person.

Beautiful Lisa Marie with her beautiful clothes and her most beautiful ex-husband


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